Talks and Videos

Interesting and inspiring (tech) talks

Posted: January 11, 2023

A list of talks, videos and websites that I’ve found interesting or inspiring.


How to Speak
Patrick Winston on how to improve your speaking ability.
How do GPS/Galileo really work
An interesting talk about GPS/Galileo by Bert Hubert.
How technology loses out in companies, countries & continents
Presentation on how companies tend to lose their technological edge and devolve into outsourcing hubs.
A lightning talk by Gary Bernhardt about the “wat”.


Edsger W. Dijkstra on Dutch TV
“Thinking As Discipline” with Edsger Dijkstra (English Subtitles).
The Best (and Worst) Ways to Shuffle Cards
A fun view on how to properly shuffle a deck of playing cards.
Catch-22 Logical Paradox | Gentleman Thinker
The Catch-22 Paradox explained in brief in a posh British accent.
Bullshit Jobs with David Graeber on Dutch TV
Jobs that do not bring any satisfaction or any other benefit (English Subtitles).

View some spurious correlations of seemingly unrelated items or events.
Find out the true size of a country by dragging them around the globe.
Create a travel time map based on a method of transportation.
Discover what every browser knows about you.
Go word spelunking and discover the dictionary visually.
Create your next logo for free with this handy tool by NameCheap.